Facts About Cameroon

Basic Information

  1. Full Name: Republic of Cameroon Cameroon
  2. Capital:Yaoundé
  3. Economic Capital: Douala
  4. Largest City: Yaounde
  5. Most Populated city: Douala
  6. Most Populated region: Far North
  7. Area (km²):475, 442 km2
  8. Number of Divisions: 58
  9. Number of Sub-dvisions: 257
  10. Population growth rate:2.6% (2014 est.)
  11. Life expectancy (years):56.6
  12. Percentage of population below poverty line:48% (2000 est.)
  13. Percentage of population in cities:54.4%
  14. Spoken languages:Official languages are: English and French, and 230 other language groups
  15. Major religions:Christianity and Islam are the two main religions in Cameroon. Christianity (70.0%), Islam (20.0%), Traditional African religion (6.0%), Others (4.0%)
  16. Ethnic groups:Cameroon has an extremely heterogeneous population, consisting of approximately 250 ethnic groups. Highlanders 38%, Kirdi 18%, Fulani 14%, Coastal Tropical 
  17. Forest 12%, Southern Tropical Forest 18%
  18. Literacy rate:71.3%
  19. Name of currency:CFA-Franc BEAC
  20. Internet domain of country:.cm
  21. International dialing code:+237
  22. Percentage of people with mobile phone:84%
  23. Prime Minister:Philemon YANG
  24. Head of State:Paul BIYA

Cameroon National Anthem

The song was composed in the late 1920s. It was used on an unofficial basis beginning in 1948 before independence, and officially adopted in 1957. The music was composed by René Djam Afame, who also wrote the lyrics along with Samuel Minkio Bamba and Moïse Nyatte Nko'o. The lyrics were changed in 1978.

English lyrics 

O Cameroon, Thou Cradle of our Fathers,
Holy Shrine where in our midst they now repose,
Their tears and blood and sweat thy soil did water,
On thy hills and valleys once their tillage rose.
Dear Fatherland, thy worth no tongue can tell!
How can we ever pay thy due?
Thy welfare we will win in toil and love and peace,
Will be to thy name ever true!

Land of Promise, land of Glory!
Thou, of life and joy, our only store!
Thine be honour, thine devotion,
And deep endearment, for evermore.

From Shari, from where the Mungo meanders
From along the banks of lowly Boumba Stream,
Muster thy sons in union close around thee,
Mighty as the Buea Mountain be their team;
Instil in them the love of gentle ways,
Regret for errors of the past;
Foster, for Mother Africa, a loyalty
That true shall remain to the last.

French Lyrics

Ô Cameroun berceau de nos ancêtres,
Va debout et jaloux de ta liberté,
Comme un soleil ton drapeau fier doit être,
Un symbole ardent de foi et d'unité.
Que tous tes enfants du Nord au Sud,
De l'Est à l'Ouest soient tout amour,
Te servir que ce soit le seul but,
Pour remplir leur devoir toujours.

Chère Patrie, Terre chérie,
Tu es notre seul et vrai bonheur,
Notre joie et notre vie,
En toi l'amour et le grand honneur.
Tu es la tombe où dorment nos pères,
Le jardin que nos aïeux ont cultivé.
Nous travaillons pour te rendre prospère,
Un beau jour enfin nous serons arrivés.
De l'Afrique sois fidèle enfant
Et progresse toujours en paix,
Espérant que tes jeunes enfants
T'aimeront sans bornes à jamais.


 Regions of Cameroon and their capitals

Adamawa region (Ngoundere)
Far North region (Maroua)
East region (Bertoua)
Littoral region (Littoral)
North region (Garoua)
Northwest region (Bamenda)
West region (Bafoussam)
South region (Ebolowa)
Southwest region (Buea).
Centre region (Yaoundé)  



List of 58 Regions in Cameroon 

Adamawa (05 Divisions)

  1. Djérem
  2. Faro-et-Déo
  3. Mayo-Banyo
  4. Mbéré
  5. Vina

Centre( 10 Divisions)

  1. Haute-Sanaga
  2. Lekié
  3. Mbam-et-Inoubou
  4. Mbam-et-Kim
  5. Méfou-et-Afamba
  6. Méfou-et-Akono
  7. Mfoundi
  8. Nyong-et-Kéllé
  9. Nyong-et-Mfoumou
  10. Nyong-et-So'o

East (04 Divisions)

  1. Boumba-et-Ngoko
  2. Haut-Nyong
  3. Kadey
  4. Lom-et-Djerem

Far North (06 Divisions)

  1. Diamaré
  2. Logone-et-Chari
  3. Mayo-Danay
  4. Mayo-Kani
  5. Mayo-Sava
  6. Mayo-Tsanaga

Littoral (04 Divisions)

  1. Moungo
  2. Nkam
  3. Sanaga-Maritime
  4. Wouri

North (04 Divisions)

  1. Bénoué
  2. Faro
  3. Mayo-Louti
  4. Mayo-Rey

Northwest (07 Divisions)

  1. Boyo
  2. Bui
  3. Donga-Mantung
  4. Menchum
  5. Mezam
  6. Momo
  7. Ngo-ketunjia

South (04 Divisions)

  1. Dja-et-Lobo
  2. Mvila
  3. Océan
  4. Vallée-du-Ntem

Southwest (06 Divisions)

  1. Fako
  2. Koupé-Manengouba
  3. Lebialem
  4. Manyu
  5. Meme
  6. Ndian

West (08 Divisions)

  1. Bamboutos
  2. Haut-Nkam
  3. Hauts-Plateaux
  4. Koung-Khi
  5. Menoua
  6. Mifi
  7. Ndé
  8. Noun