0560 HISTORY 1
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1. The European Official who was unable to
annex Cameroon for his country in the 1880s was...
A Edward Hewett.
B Captain Brooke.
C Captain Moore.
D William Gladstone
2. In which Douala Township was the German flag not
hoisted in July 1884 because its chief
refused German annexation?
A Bell Town
B Akwa Town
C BonaberiTown
D Diedo Town
3. The Polish national who signed treaties with the
natives in the 1880s on behalf of the British was:
A Captain Brooke
B Consul Hewett.
C John Holt.
D Rogozinski.
4. The coastal town of Cameroon over which German
colonial administration gained full authority
after negotiations with English missionaries
A Bimbia.
B Rio del Rey.
C Hickory Town.
D Victoria.
5. The most important effect of the Berlin Conference
on Cameroon in 1887 was?
A The Pallotine Fathers arrived Cameroon.
B The transfer of Victoria to the Germans,
C France withdrew from Cameroon.
D Germany created inland military stations.
6. The following tribes were subdued by the
German colonial administration in the 1890s
A Bakweri
B Bangwa
C Banso
D Bassa
7. Which of the following was an economic effect of
German plantations on Cameroonians?
A Provision of Health facilities.
B Payment of monthly wages.
C High birth rate among natives.
D Construction of elementary schools.
8. The Cameroonian chief who actively collaborated with the Germans and escaped
with them to Spanish Equatorial Guinea in
1916 was...
A Chief Atangana.
B Fon Galega,
C Sultan Njoya.
D Chief Asonganyi.
9. Identify the pair of officials who respectively
led the British and French sections of
Cameroon immediately after the partition of
A Dobell and Marchand.
B Bruno and Arnette.
C Dobell and Aymerich.
D Gaston Ruxon and Henri Carde.
Question 10 is based on the following events
numbered (1-4) which occurred between 1916
and 1922:
1. Battle of Yaounde
2. Simon-Milner Agreement
3. Establishment of League of Nations
4. Oliphant - Picot Agreement.
10. In which chronological order,
beginning with the earliest, did these events
A 1,2, 3, 4.
B 1,3,4,2.
C 1,4,2,3.
D 2,3,4,1.
11. The following were reasons for the
introduction of the policy of Indirect Rule in
British Southern Cameroons after 1922 except...
A to ease the task of administration.
B to reduce the cost of administration.
C to preserve the indigenous culture.
D to prepare the indigenes towards self
12. All the following traditional rulers
were appointed Native Authorities by the British
during the Mandate period to maintain law and
order within their local areas except...
A Chief Gustav Endeley of Buea
B Chief Asonganyi of Fontem.
C Chief Ebanja of Mukonje.
D Chief Galega 1 of Bali.
13. The traditional rulers who was dismissed
(dethroned) and imprisoned by the French
during the Mandate period and later died
in 1933 was…
A Chief of Betoke Akwa
B Sultan Ibrahim Njoya
C Charles Atangana
D Karnou
14. All the following Nationalists were active
members of the Cameroon Youth
League founded in 1940 except...
A N.N. Mbile.
B E.M.L Endeley.
C P.M. Kale.
D J.N. Foncha.
Question 15 is based on this statement made by a
prominent Southern Cameroon traditional ruler
during the Mamfe Conference of 1959.
« We ran away from Mr Endeley because he
wanted to take us to Nigeria...... If Mr Foncha
wants to take us to French Cameroon we shall
also run away from him. For me, French
Cameroon is fire while Nigeria is water which
quenches thirst»
15. The traditional ruler referred to above was
A Fon Achirimbi of Bafut.
B Chief Manga Williams of Victoria.
C Fon Galega ii of Bali.
D Chief Mukete of Kumba.
16. The currency that was legal tender in British
Southern Cameroons during the
Trusteeship period was...
A Pound Sterling.
B Dollar.
C Naira.
D Mark.
Question 17 is based on this photograph related to an important event which took place in the late 1950s in French Cameroon
17. Which of the following statements is a correct
historical interpretation of the event on the
photograph above?
A The rise of Mbida to power
B The rise of Ahidjo to power
C The transfer of power from Mbida to
D The transfer of power from Ahidjo to
18. Who was the Southern Cameroon official that
served as the Leader of Government Business
in the Executive Council in 1954?
A Dr E.M.L.Endeley.
B J.N. Foncha.
C S.A George.
D S.T.Muna.
19. "He was a co-founder of the trade union USCC,
became Secretary General of the UPC in the
1950s, a nationalist liberation fighter but was
killed by the French in a military ambush ” This
statement refers to which of the following UPC
A Ernest Ouandji
B Roland Felix Moumie
C Theodore Manyi Matip
D Reuben Um Nyobe
20. The Foumban Conference was summoned to ...
A Determine the future of Southern Cameroon
B Draw up a Constitution for the Federation of
C Draw up a Unitary State Constitution for
D Unite the politicians of West Cameroon to
speak with one voice
21. Who succeeded J.N. Foncha as the Prime
Minister of West Cameroon in 1965?
A E.M.L.Endeley.
B A.N. Jua.
C J.N. Foncha.
D S.T. Muna.
22. Which of the following economic policies of
President Ahmadou Ahidjo was intended to
increase food and cash crop production in the
A Building of the Lagdo Dam.
B The Green Revolution.
C Five years Development Plan.
D Operation Green Sahel.
23. In what year did Paul Biya become the
President of the United Republic of Cameroon?
A 1979
B 1980
C 1982
D 1984
24. Which of the following Nigerian Presidents signed
the Green Tree Agreement in New York, USA
with President Paul Biya over the Bakassi
maritime border dispute in 2006?
A Goodluck Jonathan
B Yakubu Gowon
C Shehu Shagari
D Olusegun Obasanjo.
25. The Opposition party that boycotted the 1992
Parliamentary elections in Cameroon was...
A UPC of Augustin Frederick Kodock
B NUDP or Maigari Bouba Belo.
C ANDP of Issa Chiroma Bakari.
D MDR of Daikolle Daisalla.
AFRICA SINCE 1884 (Excluding Cameroon)
27 . The Berlin Act outlining the conditions on the
Scramble and occupation of African territories was sign in..
A November 1884.
B February 1885.
C November 1885.
D February 1890.
27 The European leaders who convened the Berlin West Africa
Conference were...
A Gladstone and Bismarck
B King Leopold II and Jules Ferry
C Bismarck and Jules Ferry
D John Hay and King Leopold II
Question 28 is based on the list of European explorers
numbered 1-4:
1. Cecil Rhodes 2. H.M. Stanley 3. De Brazza 4.Carls
28. Select the pair of European explorers whose activities in the
Congo Basin led to the summoning of the Berlin West
African Conference of 1884.
A 1 and 2
B 2 and 3
C 3 and 4
D 1 and 4
29. Which were the two strategic river basins in Africa
that sparked off intense trade rivalries amongst the
European colonial powers leading to the
summoning of the Berlin West Africa Conference
to resolve the issue?
A River Gambia and River Niger
B River Niger and River Congo
C River Zambezi and River Congo
D River Nile and River Zambezi
30. French businessmen were opposed to the
colonial policy of Assimilation because...
A French intellectuals admired Indirect
B Assimilation was too expensive for the French.
C Fear that assimilated Africans could become
rivals to their Business interest,
D The French wanted to preserve African Culture
and tradition.
31. Which African territory below witnessed a
change of colonial master ns a result of the
First World War?
A Tanganyika
B Gambia
C Ghana
D South Africa
32. The defeat of Germany in the First World War caused
her African colonies to acquire the international
Status of...
A Trust territories of the UNO
B Settler territories of Britain and France
C Dominions of the Common wealth of
D Mandated territories of the League of Nations
33 Which French West African colony gained
independence by voting "No” in the Referendum of
A Togo.
B Guinea.
C Cote D’ivoire.
D Senegal.
34 In which African country did the Mau-Mau
rebellion contribute to the advancement and
attainment of independence in the I960's?
A Kenya.
B Uganda
C Tanganyika
D Mozambique
35. In which Portugese African colony did the
nationalist movement (M.P.L.A) achieve
independence in 1975?
A Mozambique
B Angola
C Congo
D Namibia
36. The East African political leader who was
imprisoned in 1952 because of his association with
the Man Man movement was....
A Nyerere.
B Kenyatta,
C Obote.
D Nkrumah.
37. Which one of the following is an economic
reason for the frequent military coups in Africa?
A Tribalism
B Rigging of elections
C Ambition of military officers
D Mismanagement of public funds
38 Who was the leader of the Katangese revolt in the
Belgian Congo at the time of independence in
A Joseph Kasavubu.
B Moise Tshombe.
C Patrice Lumumba.
D Mobutu Sese Seko
39. The financial institution created by African
states to help promote finance development
projects in Africa after 1970 was.....
A International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development(World Bank)
B International Monetary Fund
C International Development Bank
D African Development Bank
40. What was the main aim of the OAU when it
was formed in 1963?
A The achievement of a Custom Union in
B The establishment of a political union in
C The ending of poverty in Africa.
D The ending of colonial rule in Africa.
41. The European statesman who was at the centre of
European diplomacy during the period 1870 to
1890 was.....
A Kaiser William II.
B Otto Von Bismarck.
C Jules Ferry.
D Tsar Nicholas II.
42. The Triple Alliance of 1881 was made of the
following countries except...
A Austria.
B Germany.
C Britain,
D Italy.
43. The statesman whose proposal in the “14 Points
Peace Plan” greatly influenced the formation of
the League of Nations was.....
A Jan Smuts
B George Clemenceau
C Lloyd Wilson
D Woodrow Wilson
44. The British policy of appeasement of the 1930’s
came to an end following ...
A The German annexation of Austria
(Anchluss) in 1938
B The German attack on Poland in 1939
C The German invasion of Denmark in 1940
D The German invasion of France in 1940
45. The USA became actively involved in the Second
World War because of the...
A bombing of Pearl Harbour
B attack of Poland
C invasion of Finland
D dropping of the atomic bomb on
46. Which of the following countries is a permanent
member of the Security Council with veto rights?
A The Peoples Republic of China.
B Germany
C Japan.
D Italy.
47. The Russian leader who proposed the policy of
“Peaceful Co-existence” in the 1950s to
remove the threats of the Cold war between the
West and East was...
A Joseph Stalin.
B Nikita Khrushchev.
C Leonid Brezhnev.
D Mikhail Gorbachev.
48. Which emerging global economic power has
recently joined the race to space exploration to
the Moon?
A Japan.
B U.S.A.
C Brazil
D China
49. Which U N agency issues passports and other
travelling documents to Refugees and “Prisoners
of war” around the world?
50. All the following countries were founding
members of the League of Nations except...
A U.S.A.
B Britain.
C Italy.
D Japan.
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