

History Advanced Level Paper 2 2014 GCE Revision

1. “Natural factors and cultural beliefs were responsible for the movements of ethnic groups in Cameroon in the 19th century” How far is this true?
2. With Reference to specific examples examine the role of the various arms of administration in the Grassland and Forest regions of Cameroon on the eve of European colonization.
3. Why and with what results did Modibo Adama launch the jihads in Northern Cameroon in the 19th century?
4. Assess the achievements of the London Baptist Missionary Society (LBMS) along the Cameroon coast between 1841 and 1844.
5. Why did Germany annex Cameroon and how did the British, French and indigenous population react to it?
6. Assess the impact of German plantations on the indigenous population between 1895 and 1914.

SECTION B: 1922 – 1961
7. Discuss the merits and demerits of the British policy of Indirect Rule in British Southern Cameroons during the mandate period.
8. “The most burning issue between the Douala and the French during the mandate period was land” Do you agree?
9. Account for and examine the consequences for Southern Cameroons of the joint administration with Nigeria.
10. What and where the similarities and difference between the French and British in the application of Trusteeship Agreement in Cameroon?
11. Account for and examine the consequences of the UN-conducted plebiscite in British Southern Cameroons in 1961.
12. Which takes greater credit for the granting of independence to French Cameroon in 1960: internal or external factors?

13. To what do you attribute the failure of Southern Cameroons to attain the principal goals of the Bamenda All Party Conference during the Constitutional arrangement with the Republic of Cameroon at Foumban in 1961?
14. Examine the causes and the consequences of the KNDP Crisis of 1963-1965 on the political evolution of West Cameroon
15. Assess the efforts of Ahmadou Ahidjo in fostering socio-economic development in the state of East Cameroon.
16. Account for the abolition of multiparty politics in 1966 and its reintroduction in 1990.
17. To what extend can it be argued that the 1972 Referendum in Cameroon was a constitutional and political revolution?
18. What factors account for the unbroken rule of Paul Biya in Cameroon since 1982?

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