P.O. Box 39 Bambili
Tel. 33 15 64 19
LocaTion'. Bambili -
The Higher Technical Teacher Training College (HTTTC) has as mission, The Training of
Technical educaTion Teachers of secondary and high schools.
By Senate and Council decisions of 2012, The insTiTuTion shall begin an evening school
program To prepare sTudenTs for HND, BTS and professional masTer's programs
GraduaTes of HND and B.T.S shall gain direcT enTry inTo levels of Their respecTive
courses Through a study of files.
Department and OpTions Offered By HTTTc Bambili
EnTry QualificaTions inTo 1ST year, 1sT cycle
-Be holders of BaccalauréaT C D E or
- GCE A/L in aT leasT Two of The following papers ( Pure Maths, FurTher MaThs, Applied
Maths, physics, chemisTry, compuTer sTudies)
- GCE A/L Technical in Building ConsTrucTion
BaccalauréaT Technique F4 ,BT—MEB, F2, MAV, F3, BT-MEM, BAC F1& BT, MF/CM (CH),
N.B: Required diplomas or cerTificaTes varies from one deparTmenT To The oTher.