Location: BUEA
Date of creation: 1993
P.O box: 63 BUEA
tel:(237) 332.2134/3322690
Website: www.ubuea.net
- Economics and Management
(a) Accounting
(b) Banking
(c) Economics and
(d) Management
- Geography
- Law
- Journalism and mass communication
- Political science and public administration
- Sociology and anthropology
- Women and gender studies
-General entry conditions
Five ordinary level papers
· At least two advance level papers
· Ordinary level English language
These conditions apply to all the departments in this faculty. But in the department of law
you must have at least 8 points in the GCE A/Land in the department of journalism and mass
communication; the applicant must have at least 9 points at the GCE a level and a B grade in O
level English language. A pass in ‘O’ level mathematics is an advantage.
· BAC B/BAC G2, G3, Banking, Accounting, etc.
-Admission modalities
Through the studying of files (selection)
Required Diploma
GCE ‘O’ and ‘A’ levels or its equivalents and pass Grade in ‘O’ level English Language
-Mode of studies
Studies is carried out on campus and some of its external facilities
-Language of instruction
Cooperation with other universities/organizations
-International institutions, universities and research centers
-Diplomas issued at the end of studies
· B.sc Accounting
· B.sc Banking and Finance
· B.sc Economics
· B.sc Geography
· B.sc Sociology and Anthropology
· B.sc Journalism and Mass Communication
· B.sc Political Science
B.sc Women and Gender studies (4 years)
Further openings
Academic: in this faculty all the departments offers post-graduate program. They offer
masters and some Doctor of philosophy PhD programs.
-Women and Gender studies: graduate in this program can work as teachers, development
agents/practitioners, gender consultants etc. in various technical ministries and NGO, at
national and international levels.
-Professional training:-consultancies and short courses in the following areas: gender
analysis in development practice (policy, program, projects); gender mainstreaming, gender
audit of development frameworks. Governance policy, decentralization processes etc.
Department of Political Science and Public Administration. Graduate here have good
employment opportunities in public administration, diplomacy, armed forces, police,
consultancy, research, teaching and leadership.
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
Graduate from this department can work in publics’ relations departments in any firm both in
the private and the public sectors.
Media production houses, be it print, broadcast or film and also in advertising agencies. They
can also assume junior positions in book publishing institutions, etc.
Department of Geography
Graduate here can work in state agencies, government, local collectivities, consultancy, NGOs,
Private planning, Regional planning and development, multinational companies, research
organization, teaching and a wide range of careers in business.
Department of Law
· Consultancy in various field
· Legal advisers
· Advocate
· International legal practitioners
· Human right experts
· International organization ,etc
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