11) All the following states resisted the abolition of slave trade EXCEPT:
a) Benin
b) Asante
c) Dahomey
d) Bonny
12) Identify the main reasons why Andre Marie was rejected by French Cameroonians
a) He used force to suppress the L'PC
b) He did not consider independence as a priority
C) He was doctorial and too elitist
d) He was not in favor of reunitication
13) What caused the stalemate in the Southern Cameroon House ofAssentbly in 1960‘?
a) The outcome of the 1959 election
b) Carpet crossing form KNC to KNDP
c) Carpet crossing from KNDP to KNC
d) Sudden death of KNDP Deputy
14) What was common between the KNDP and the UPC?
a) Both had violence as an option b) Both suppotted immediate independence and reunification
c) Both were created under the same circumstances
d) Both supported reunification
15) TheFrench policy that accorded excessive judicial powers to. the French administrative was
a) Indigenat
b) Prestation
c) Association