

ENS Bambili Economics 2015-2016

Article Index

6. O bless my Lord and husband...,bless my brothers Husband win‘ 'Win brother."
Which figure of speech is in this prayer"?
a) Contrast
b) Oxymoron
c) Paradox
d) Pathos

7. Which of these characters best justifies the title of the play A_Man for‘All Season?
a) The Common Man
b) The king

c) The Thomas Man
cl) The Arch Bishop

8. The Common Man A Man for all Seasons says it is perverse to start a play with
characters in “speaking costumes” with him? Speaking costumes” refers to:
a) A costumes that lit in all situation
b) Costumes for speaking characters
c) Costumes ofthe upper classes
d) Costumes of that speak to every body

9.Which of the statement below indicates that an economy‘efficient in production?
a) In the economy resources are allocated exclusively by the price mechanism
b) The economy cannot produce more of one god without producing less of the
e) The GDP of the economy is constantly rising
d) There is a steady rise in productivity

10.A man a lottery in which he is given two options: to go on holidays abroad
which cost l.700.000FCFA or have a car costing 2.000.000FCFAi What is the real
cost if he chooses to go on holidays abroad?