36) Identify the evens which during the cold war period posed the greatest danger to
world peace
a) Berlin blockade
b) Bay of pigs incidents
c) Korean war
d) Cuban missile crisis
37) Which of these terms of Treaty of Versailles do not respect the provisions of
Wilson’s fourteen points?
a) Disarmament of Germany
b) The creation of Poland
c) The return of Alsace and Lorraine to France
d) Ceding of students land to Czechoslovakia
38) Which of the following was the most significant reaction of Britain and France to
the aggression of European dictators in the 19303?
a) Join the disarmament conference at Geneva
b) Pursued the policy of Appeasement
e) Declared all pro-Nazi organization
d) Look for allies among the Eastern European states
39) The Commonwealth of Nations has been beneficial to the member state in the third
world in the following EXCEPT:
a) The promotion of technical know-how
b) The eradication of HIV and AIDS Virus
c) The promotion of good governance
d) The promotion of democratic tradition
40) The emergence of China as a third force in war politics can be attributed to all the
following EXCEPT:
ait'sts economic potential
b) Its huge population
c) lts democratic tradition
d) lts military might