

ENS Bambili Economics 2015-2016

Article Index

16) Which of the following decisions of the Fouinban'Conference conformed to the proposals adopted at the June 1961 Bantenda Conference?
a) The decision to take Yaounde the Federal Capital
b) The decision to create a single Nationality to all Cameroonians

c)The decisions to maintain the West Cameroon House of Chiefs

d)The decision to grant single chamber federal legislature

17) One of the following was not a result of the KNDP crisis in the state of west
a) The birth of Cameroon United Congress
b) Foncha became the life President ol’KNDP
c) KNDP reconciled with the CPNC
d) The creation of the one party state

18) When did the parliamentary democracy in West Cameroon come to an end?

a) 20th May, 1972

b) 1st September 1966

c) 11th February 196 l

d) 11th June 1966

19) Collective security failed in all the following crisis EXCEPT:
a) Manchurian crisis
b) Pearl Harbour
ct Abyssinian crisis
d) Rhineland remilitarization

20) Sino - Cameroon relations were poor during the Ahidjo’s reign because:

a) China supported the UPC

b) China was communist state
c) China was not a member of the UNO
d} France objected Cameroon‘s relation with China