

ENS Bambili Economics 2014-2015

Article Index

 6. The German annexation of Kamerun in 1884 was mainly facilitated by:
a) German dynamism and swiftness
b) The reluctance of the British to annex the territory
c) The German strategy of holding nightly meeting
d) The lack of foresight by the other competing powers of German colonial

7. The principal cause of the British neglect of the economy of the Cameroon Province
a) The small size of the territory
b) The fear of the return of the Germans
c) They were very thrifty
d) They were satisfied with the level of development

8. A Visible economic development in German Kamerun that benefited the indigenous
people most was:
a) Improvement in transport and communication
b) The system of taxation
c) Establishment of plantations
d) The exchange economy

9. The principal reason why the French-sponsored the creation of ethnic and regionally
based parties and groups in French Cameroon was to:
a) Facilitate the rigging of election
b) am more seats in the Territorial Assembly
c) Counter the popularity of UPC

d) Delay independence and re ofCarneron

10. The UPC was defeated in the E952 Elections in French Cameroon principally because:
a) The French rigged the Election
b) Of the communist inclination of the party
c) The party was using violence in politics
d) Of inter-party squabble