

ENS Bambili Economics 2014-2015

Article Index

 11. Which of the following is an aspect of fate which contributes most to Jero‘s fall in
The Trials of Brother Jero?

a) Love of money
b) His pride
0) The Old Prophet‘s curse
d) His pretense

l2.Which of the following character: plays the most pre-destined role in the unrnasking of Jero?
a) Amope
b) Tough Mama
C) The Young girl
d) Chume

13. The technique used by Asong to give information through letters in No lle_\' 5.; Die
is known as:
a) Narration
b) Flashback
c) Epistolary
d) Detailed description

14.0ne of the following does not belong to what has been referred to as “The
Hemingway Code”.
a) Honour
b) Dignity
c) Endurance
d) Revenge

15 .Bessie Head’s "A Question of Power" is set in
a) Post-apartheid South Africa
b) Apartheid South Africa
c) Pre-apartheid south Africa
d) Present apartheid South Africa